All posts
This page contains all posts on this website
Contacting Me
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This page is dedicated to people who want to contact me, I have a fairly low online presence, but you can still contact me through one of the means I mentioned here. If you find my name or nickname in any other place other than the links in this page, it is most probably not me.
The Tech I Use
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The tech and things I use daily for my computation and communication.
Accessibility statement
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I am committed to producing accessible websites for all people.
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I provide Atom and JSON feeds for blogs and projects. It is also possible subscribe to tags! Read more to find how to do that.
Home - Coding Otaku
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A website about web technology, Privacy, FOSS, Minimalism, Anime, and more!
Am I IndieWeb Yet?
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This page is my checklist to track progress on IndieWeb implementations for this website.
Privacy policy
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This website does not have analytics, fingerprinting, or advertisements. All access logs are cleared every two weeks automatically.
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Blogs and people I read on the internet and find interesting, but mentioning a website here does not mean that I promote everything they say or do.
Why Modular Programs Are the Best - Draft
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The most amazing thing about the UNIX system is the use of pipes that combines programms. But this post is not about that.
On the Topic of Internet Censorship
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Internet censorship circumvention is becoming more common as the years go by. After reading a recent post on a browser blocking a censorship check add-on, I want to clear up some misconceptions about it.
Adding IndieAuth to My Website
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A single user IndieAuth is surprisingly easy to implement! This post is about how I did it.
Adding Webmentions to My Website
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After thinking about it a long time, I have replaced the comments section on this website with Webmentions.
Adding Comments to My Website
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I have had comments in my website for some time, this post is about how I did it and the improvements I made for better UX.
That is Not How the Programmers Work!
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There is a common misconception around programmers, and it is usually fueled by memes.
Experimenting with Quantum Computation Language
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My first attempt to learn QCL, a C-based high level, architecture independent programming language for quantum computers.
Writing a Website part 2: HTML and CSS
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This post is for beginners who knows how to operate a computer, and wants an introductory course on web development.
Writing a Website part 1: Recipe for Making a Website!
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Creating and hosting a website is not hard, and it is much cheeper than you think! And there are other options even if you don't want to pay.
Switching to Gentoo
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Here I explain why I switched to Gentoo and how I set it up. This is mostly a technical blog and incorporates some of my configuration.
Why do I Still Have a GitHub Account?
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I had deleted my GitHub account before, but I decided to open one again half-heartedly. And no, I won't be pushing my projects there.
Using the Internet the Right Way
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The Internet is a noisy place, and browsing it is sometimes overwhelming or frustrating, but you can at least avoid distractions by following this article.
Serving RSS (Atom) and JSON Feeds
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I now serve Atom and JSON feeds, a simple feature that I took too long to provide, here's how I did it.
Why Do I Not Use Analytics?
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Analytics is not used on my website or things I create, but it is not for the reason you are thinking of.
Migrating to FLOSS!
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A list of wholesome and Free alternatives to privacy-destroying apps, programs, and services you might be using in your daily life without loosing convenience.
Switching to Signal is Not Enough
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Switching to Signal is Not Enough, but it's a good step towards the right direction. Protocols help you avoid being locked into a single application or service.
Open Brain Internet Thingy
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Yeah, I couldn't find a name for it. This is a thought experiment about a centralized knowledge sharing system that will likely go wrong when it is created.
Cobra Effect on Hactoberfest
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GitHub is polluted with unwanted pull requests, what went wrong? And what could have been done to prevent it?
Free Unix!
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A New Unix implementation, but it is not Unix, is not Unix, is not Unix!
India - Deleting an Amazon Account
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I had a hard time getting rid of my Amazon account. It makes me wonder why I signed up in the first place. Here, I share with you my journey and the process.
Why Do I Say GNU/Linux?
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My story about why I love and use FREE (as in freedom) software and why I want to spread the word about it more.
Use of Non-Free Software in School
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There is a high risk of massive student surveillance in online learning. Here, I will tell you the dangers and measures that can be taken to mitigate the issue.
India Banned Chinese Apps
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India Banned many Chinese Apps for the "security" of the nation, but is that good? If it is, is that enough?
Published on , Updated on .
My Gentoo ebuild repository, containing Wayland safe builds of my most used packages that are not present in official Gentoo or guru repo.
Bloat Ness Monster
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The Bloat Ness Monster is a monster that lurks around on the internet. It was made unintentionally by web developers who don't know what they are doing.
Micro Search
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A self-hostable search engine API for personal websites.
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A simple tool to interactively use WireGuard with FZF.
My Website
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This website: made using Rust, Rocket, and Handlebars (and no javascript!).
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This is a collection of scripts for fuzzel.
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Quickly find Emoji for your clipboard using fuzzel, this is a shameless fork of rofmoji.
Animu Downloaderu - Archived
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A tool that helps you download anime in batch from multiple anime streaming websites!
Arch-Post-Install - Archived
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Post-instal script for archlinux to make the system look like mine.
Anime Crawler API - Archived
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A java based Anime crawler API with multiple server support. Used by Animu Downloaderu!
JEdenManga - Archived
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Unofficial Manga Eden API client using Java and REST.
Short Stories - Publishing
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This is a collection of short stories, I initially split them into individual stories but merging them into a collection makes more sense
Transformed - Publishing
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Samantha and her young 6-year-old daughter Jane found that a few mysterious creatures had invaded in their home which can transform into anyone. They attacked her and Jane so she ran away with her daughter to find help and shelter.
Utopia in My Dreams - Publishing
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Beware what you fantasize about! Dream world meddling with the reality.
Merged - Publishing
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This story is born from a thought experiment about a species sharing a common brain as they evolve.
Immortal: The Controller
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An advanced, futuristic world.
The patient: Space Programme
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An optimimstic patient.
School Screenplay: The Test
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A short screenplay of a nightmarish dream I had long ago. I noted it down in a file and forgot all about it till today.
Chapter 1: Evil Jane
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An uninvited guest and the imaginary friend.
Chapter 9: The Thin Line
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Confused between reality and dreams, when will all this end?
Chapter 8: The Vessel
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Maybe it is time to give myself up, just like last time, it's better this way.
Chapter 7: The Weight
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It's like something out of a sci-fi film, everything is going wrong and nothing makes sense.
Chapter 6: Vi-Beam?
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Everyone is terrified, are we kidnapped? What do they want? How can we escape?
Chapter 5: Jasmine
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The school days 15 years ago were normal and uneventful, until that day.
Chapter 4: Utopia faling apart
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Fearsome ability that wrecked the dreams, the one that changed everything.
Chapter 3: Fantacy is Cruel
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You are living in dreams, the dreams of others, but everything in the dream is real.
Chapter 2: Long Lost Friends
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Vague memories of those who call themselves my friends, time for a re-introduction.
Chapter 1: Foggy memories
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It seems I have been here before, but somehow my memory is blurry.
Chapter 1: The Queen and Her Rules
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The Queen and the rule that distroyed and changed everything