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JEdenManga - Archived

Unofficial Manga Eden API client using Java and REST.

This page was published on .


This project is now abandoned, as the site is nolonger available.
JEdenManga is an unofficial Manga Eden API client using java see more at

Get All Manga

Language can be English or Italian, default is English
Returned data: MangaListObject that contains

  • page,start,end, and total
  • list mangas which contains the manga's image, title, ID, alias, status, category (genre), last chapter date, and hits.
try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
  MangaList allManga = edenManga.getAllManga();
} catch (IOException e) {

Manga List splitted in pages

Same as getAllManga(), but returns only 500 manga's informations (from manga X*500 to (X+1)*500, where X is the page argument)

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();

  MangaList mangaList = edenManga.getMangaListSplited(3); 
  List<Manga>; mangas = mangaList.getMangas();
 } catch (IOException e) {

Manga List splitted in pages with variable page size

Same as above but returns only Y manga's informations (from manga X*Y to (X+1)*Y) [25 < Y > 1500]
ie if X is 0 and Y is 30, this will return first 30 list,
if x is 1 and y is 30 this will return mangas 30 to 60
if x is 2 and y is **50** it will return mangas from the range 100 to 150 and so on
x is the page value and y is the number of manga in the page

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();

  MangaList first10Manga = edenManga.getMangaListSplitedRange(1, 30);
  List<Manga>; mangas = first10Manga.getMangas();
} catch (IOException e) {

Manga info and chapters list

Where mangaId is the manga's id you can get with the previous api call
Returned data: all the informations and chapters of the manga.

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
  MangaInfo mangaInfo = edenManga.getMangaInfo("managId.");
} catch (IOException e) {

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
  MangaList first25Manga = edenManga.getMangaListSplitedRange(0, 25);
  List<Manga> mangas = first25Manga.getMangas();
  MangaInfo mangaInfo = mangas.get(0).getMangaInfo();
} catch (IOException e) {

Chapter pages

chapterId here is the chapter's id you can get with the previous api call.
Returned data: the images's urls and sizes of the chapter.

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();

  ArrayList<Page> chapterPages = edenManga.getChapterPages("chapterId");
} catch (IOException e) {

try {
  JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
  MangaList first25Manga = edenManga.getMangaListSplitedRange(0, 25);
  List<Manga> mangas = first25Manga.getMangas();

  MangaInfo mangaInfo = mangas.get(0).getMangaInfo();
  ArrayList<ChapterInfo> chapterPages = mangaInfo.getChapters();
  ArrayList<Page> pages = chapterPages.get(0).getPages();
} catch (IOException e) {


password should be parsed as char array.
Returns Status.OK when successful, Status.ERROR on failure.

JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
Status status = edenManga.login("userName", "pasword".toCharArray());


Returns Status.OK when successful, Status.ERROR on failure.

JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
Status status = edenManga.logout()


User should login before calling this api.
Returns all manga saved in the user's mymanga list with all the informations about the manga, latest available chapter and last chapter read by the user.

JEdenManga edenManga = new JEdenManga();
Status status = edenManga.login("userName", "pasword".toCharArray());
if(status==Status.OK) {
  List<MyManga> myManga = edenManga.myManga();




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I'm Rahul Sivananda (he/him), the Internet knows me by the name Coding Otaku. I work as a Full-Stack Developer (whatever that means) in London.

I care about Accessibility, Minimalism, and good user experiences. Sometimes I write stories and draw things.

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