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Note: The preferences are saved using HTTP cookies because this website does not use Javascript.

To clear the cookies, select Clear Cookies and click submit, this will also reset all preferences.

The cookies are not used for analytics, read the privacy policy if you need more details.

Site Preferences

Privacy policy

This website does not have analytics, fingerprinting, or advertisements. All access logs are cleared every two weeks automatically.

This page was published on , and last updated on .


This website uses cookies to store the following:

The website preferences if you update it.

Ideally this can be saved in local storage using JavaScript, but this website do not use JavaScript. The HTML specifications do not provide other ways to preserve this information in the browser.

A unique random id if you comment (commenter cookie).

This is so that when you comment again, you can overwrite the previous details that you have entered.

No cookies will stored in any other scenario, and no cross-site or tracking cookies are used by this website.

To clear the cookies, click on Toggle Preferences from the top of the page, select the Clear cookies checkbox and click on the submit button. You may also do this via your browser by clearing the cookies for the domain

Clearing cookies will reset the site preferences to default, and will also remove the unique commenter cookie. If the commenter cookie is cleared, you wil not be able to edit or delete the comments you have made previously.

To delete your comment after clearing the cookies, you will need to contact me from either the email you provided for the comment or from an email address from your website domain you gave. Anonymous comments cannot be updated or deleted without the commenter cookie as I have no way for tracking it.

IP Logging

This website is served via nginx, and the access logging is enabled. The fail2ban tool uses these logs to block bad request and to do rate limiting for bad bots.

I clear these logs once every two weeks and is not inspected for any other purposes other than to block bad actors.