All posts on privacy
This page contains all posts on this website for privacy.
Privacy policy
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This website does not have analytics, fingerprinting, or advertisements. All access logs are cleared every two weeks automatically.
On the Topic of Internet Censorship
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Internet censorship circumvention is becoming more common as the years go by. After reading a recent post on a browser blocking a censorship check add-on, I want to clear up some misconceptions about it.
Switching to Gentoo
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Here I explain why I switched to Gentoo and how I set it up. This is mostly a technical blog and incorporates some of my configuration.
Why do I Still Have a GitHub Account?
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I had deleted my GitHub account before, but I decided to open one again half-heartedly. And no, I won't be pushing my projects there.
Using the Internet the Right Way
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The Internet is a noisy place, and browsing it is sometimes overwhelming or frustrating, but you can at least avoid distractions by following this article.
Migrating to FLOSS!
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A list of wholesome and Free alternatives to privacy-destroying apps, programs, and services you might be using in your daily life without loosing convenience.
Switching to Signal is Not Enough
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Switching to Signal is Not Enough, but it's a good step towards the right direction. Protocols help you avoid being locked into a single application or service.
India - Deleting an Amazon Account
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I had a hard time getting rid of my Amazon account. It makes me wonder why I signed up in the first place. Here, I share with you my journey and the process.
Use of Non-Free Software in School
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There is a high risk of massive student surveillance in online learning. Here, I will tell you the dangers and measures that can be taken to mitigate the issue.