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Coding Otaku

A website about web technology, Privacy, FOSS, Minimalism, Anime, and more!

This page was published on , and was last updated on .

About me

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I'm Rahul Sivananda (he/him), the Internet knows me by the name Coding Otaku. I work as a Full-Stack Developer at IBM in London.

I care about Accessibility, Minimalism, and good user experiences. Sometimes I write stories and draw things.

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About this website

This is my personal website containing my blogs, projects, other things I do, and ways to contact me. It partially supports the IndieWeb while keeping accessibility and minimalism in mind.

The Internet used to be a lovely place where people could share their ideas in the public domain.
It has now become a slow and bloated mess made by developers who are following the latest buzzwords for resume-driven development.

However, I believe that it is acceptable to use buzzwords as long as the people using them are not burdened. It is too easy to create bloated software and too difficult to make slim ones.

I am hoping to inspire new developers to take the right path by making this website, showing that you can still make a functioning, beautiful, ethical, and light-weight website without making it the size of doom.

The name is confusing, what does it mean?

I came up with the name Coding Otaku while searching for a name that's related to both programming and Anime. I like watching Anime just as much as I love tinkering with code.

To my surprise, No one bought codingotaku as a domain name, and I couldn't find anyone on social media going by that name.

Otaku is a Japanese term for people with consuming interests, In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku is mostly equivalent to geek or nerd, but it is now widely used as a term to refer to people who are obsessed with Anime and Japanese culture (It's not the proper use though).

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