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Am I Alive?

Watch this page to know whether I am just not updating this website or has the lost capacity to do so.

This page was published on , and last updated on .

You do not need to read this page if I have updated a blog, project, or a story recently.

My last login to this website was on (UTC).

If the last login was done in the past 3 months, assume that I am just not actively updating this website. I try to login at least once a week.

If the last login was done more than 3 months ago, I might have lost the capacity to login or update this website. It could be health related, finance related, or even a legal reason. I suggest you to archive this whole website if it has been more than 3 months since the last login.

To archive this website as a local copy, you could either clone my repository from codeberg, or run the below command on Terminal to save the HTML files. You will need wget installed.

wget --recursive --adjust-extension --convert-links --no-clobber

You can also archive this website using if it is not already done after the last login.

If the last login was done more than 6 months ago, it would be a problem, it could mean that I need to be checked upon. You can try contacting me if 6 months passed from the last login date, and you are worried.

Finally, if the last login was done more than 12 months ago, there is a high chance that my domain registrar has already tried to contact me for payments. So if the site is still up, it won't be for too long, and assume that the site either got hacked or that I am deceased.

Why does this page exist?

Today () my website was running a bit slow, and from the nginx logs I found that I am getting more traffic from non-bots than I assumed I ever would for the past two weeks!

The spike in visitors means that though I don't usually promote my website, it is popular enough to be considered having an audience. If I stopped updating this website, the visitors might think that I abandoned it -- which is something that I don't intend to do.

This made me thinking, what would happen at my death? I don't have much online presence, and I do not have many people that I interact with in real life either. Which also means that my disappearance from this world would not affect many.

But what about the regular visitors or the ones subscribed to my feed? Well, the fact is that it is unlikely that they would be concerned. But I would like them to stop wasting their time checking for updates. So this page is for that, for you to stop visiting this website and to unsubscribe from my feeds.

So you do not need to be concerned about my wellbeing, I do not have suicidal thoughts, depression, or the midlife crisis 😊.